The day I discovered Takisha will always be a day to remember with joy and gratitude. I knew I was supposed to be there at that time. I had gone to her family's restaurant on that day mainly to forget my problems, and encourage the child who appreciates my presence in her life.
When she sang "you raise me up" and "Amazing Grace" the tears of joy filled my eyes rolled down my face. A burden was lifted off me. Sometimes God has a kid's voice. I got the answer I needed. Oftentimes Miracles take place when we forget about our problems and focus on someone else needs our time and attention. and the rewards are usually awesome!
Takisha is a singer, songwriter, poet and a dancer with undeniable talent. She is confident and self-assured but filled with gratitude. Her goal is not to impress but to bless the world with the amazing gift given to her.
I once canceled an appointment on Takisha's mom's request and decided to stop by at the restaurant for one hour..However I ended up staying for over five hours. Takisha started singing and dancing to the song."I want to dance with somebody" by Whittney Houston, and continued singing in many languages and dancing for almost five hours.
Her stunning performance that evening took my breath away. A concert to entertain her one fan audience with a big bang. There wasn't a dull moment. She sang 91 songs that evening.
My soul rejoiced for I was graced as this assignment turned out to be a treat for me. The Best! a sacred evening. She is so ready to face the biggest audience. The world.
I found a precious pearl at the Pearl Island restaurant! Takisha is now 17.
I particularly admire Takisha's courage and determination for example; even though Takisha doesn't speak or understand Sinhalese, when she was challenged, she learned the Sri Lankan national Anthem in two days with the help of her mother and surprised all of us on Sri Lanka day 2017, sponsored by the Sri Lanka Foundation. Her voice echoed all over Colorado Blvd. Pasadena.