Touched by an Angel!

Touched by an Angel!

Her confident heavenly voice took my breath away. We sat in silence and listened to her fascinating voice on Sunday the 19th August during the service at Calvary church. It was a very gratifying spiritual experience and I feel so blessed for the privilege to be present with the audience that morning in calm delight. Her grace, sweetness charm. the friendly sophicated simplicity captured us. A breath of fresh air! A treasure, precious Gem. You'd be amazed as well if you get to meet and listen to her. Music unseen, still move the heart! A friend for life; great language to grow up and spread the joy. Devotion to motion defines memorable moments! it was one of those precious moments to reminise with joy! She certainly made a mark on me. Every child is precious and should have the opportunity to play a melody brings joy to their hearts. Certain beloved melodies linger in our heart and minds for-ever. Beautiful music is the food of LOVE! A magnet to Peace, Joy, and Harmony.